Security Logistics for the French Presidential Delegation at G20 Brazil 2024

Between November 14 and 19, MOVISAFE Latin America worked on the security logistics for the French presidential delegation during its attendance to the G20 Brazil 2024 Summit meetings in Rio de Janeiro. Scroll down to see some photos made during these days.

Through coordination at strategic locations such as the Fairmont Hotel in Copacabana, the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro (MAM-RJ) and the Galeão Air Base, we ensured security, fluidity and efficiency at all stages of the operation, from planning to execution.

As a result, we had the honor and pleasure of working alongside French President Emmanuel Macron’s team and the GSPR (Groupe de Sécurité de la Présidence de la République) for a week. This work reaffirms MOVISAFE Latin America’s mission to deliver security and logistics solutions aligned to the highest international standards.

We would like to thank the Presidency of the French Republic, the Groupe de Sécurité de la Présidence de la République (GSPR) and Mr. Gérard Maréchal, Consul General and Mrs. Sophie Lafitte, Deputy Consul General of France in Rio de Janeiro and their entire team for the trust they have placed in MOVISAFE Latin America once again.